Pilates for the People

Unlimited +

Unlimited Live Online Classes / On-Demand Portal /
$50 Online 1:1 Pilates Sessions

To Complete Order for your 7-day Free Trial, Go to Step #2


Unlimited Live Online Classes / On-Demand Portal /

To Complete Order for your 7-day Free Trial, Go to Step #2

Healthy Spines

Mondays 6 pm CST

Build a healthy spinal support system while experiencing in-depth embodied anatomy for your mental and physical wellbeing.

55 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: 1-2 yoga blocks & small massage ball

Rise & Shine

Tuesdays at 6 am CST & Fridays at 7 am CST

Early morning rise & shine class to get ready for your day. Ease into your day with breathwork, invigorating movement, and gentle stretches.

55 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: a yoga block & a long band

Work Sh*t Out

Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 11:30 am CST

This express lunchtime Pilates class is a speedy half-hour of core conditioning, isometric holding, and working sh*t out through movement.

30 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: a yoga block & a long band

This class is for professional movement artists with a foundation of anatomical knowledge. This class offers Pilates-based somatic exploration and investigation of the body.


Props of your choice are optional.

Healthy Spines

Mondays 6 pm CST

Build a healthy spinal support system while experiencing in-depth embodied anatomy for your mental and physical wellbeing.

55 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: 1-2 yoga blocks & small massage ball

Rise & Shine

Tuesdays at 6 am CST & Fridays at 7 am CST

Early morning rise & shine class to get ready for your day. Ease into your day with breathwork, invigorating movement, and gentle stretches.

55 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: a yoga block & a long band

Work Sh*t Out

Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 11:30 am CST

This express lunchtime Pilates class is a speedy half-hour of core conditioning, isometric holding, and working sh*t out through movement.

30 minutes

Props are optional but encouraged: a yoga block & a long band

This class is for professional movement artists with a foundation of anatomical knowledge. This class offers Pilates-based somatic exploration and investigation of the body.


Props of your choice are optional.

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